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Are you sure you want to switch to anonymous mode?

Please note that you can only order specific products in anonymous mode. If you have other products in your shopping cart, then these will be removed when switching to anonymous mode.

If you want to order a mix of products, you can do so in 2 seperate orders. No shipping costs will be applied for anonymous orders, only for regular orders.

Confirm below to switch to anonymous mode, or cancel to stay in normal mode.

Office hours and location

If you require additional service or wish to contact us for any reason, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you. 


M.M.C. International B.V.
Frankenthalerstraat 16-18
4816 KA  Breda, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-76-5711140, Fax: +31-76-5719300


Office Hours: 8:00 to 16:30 (CET)


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